Wednesday, February 4, 2009


:stabs youtube:
Youtube is such a mother licker! God I love Old Greg..
I hasn't answered questions for ages as youtube has decided that they don't care about me.
Thanks, youtube. Love you too.
I'm really sick of this. DIEEEEEEEEEEEE!

The question for this week was; What Book Are You Reading?
Finally! I've been waiting for ages for it to come out. It has. So far, it's amazing. I'm up to chapter 5.
I also have to start reading To Kill A Mockingbird for school. Ugh.

My goals for before I turn 20 are..
1. Have a kick ass 16th.
2. Have a kick ass 18th.
3. Get my L's, P's and O's? Not sure about my O's.
4. Pass high school with a good OP.
5. Get into a good college in the course I want.
6. Party (:

I know there are tons of other questions I need to answer. I don't remember them though.

So, year 11 is officially horrible. Seriously. Homework is pure evil, I have a freaky new science teacher that enjoys telling us that he will slap us. Seriously? It's a christian school! You aren't allowed to say things like that.
Lmao. He's pretty chill, just kinda creepy sometimes. He's a good teacher though. I broke lab equipment on tuesday. It was hilarious.
I was talking to Ali, and I used rather large hand gestures and I knocked over the tripod with a beaker full of boiling water and test tubes on top of it.
I was rather amusing at the time... And it still is now.

I got married today. Isn't that lovely? I have a ring and everything! It's made from the gold wrapping on the chocolate money coins. Soooooo pretty. Lmao.

That's all I have to say for today.
I really am.
Goodbye (:

PS: Timmy Is A Fuzzy Little Man Peach! (:

1 comment:

  1. lololol. Most random blog of all time. Very amusement.
